REF: CAS/EX/MKRS/10/2024
Assessment is an integral part of curriculum development as outlined in the Curriculum Policy. During
curriculum development an assessment strategy is developed that is aligned to the ODeL Policy and
strategy of UNISA. Assessment can have different focuses, namely to:
• Improve the quality of students’ learning experiences by focusing on significant knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and values, and providing motivation to work through the material through tasks
and feedback, known as assessment for learning.
• Focus on the ability to transfer knowledge to new contexts and to apply knowledge in specific
contexts in line with the NQF level descriptors and other taxonomies of learning.
• Focus on programmatic and graduate attributes and critical cross-field outcomes in assessment
of learning.
• Make academic judgements related to diagnostics, placements competence, progression
and/or qualification completion; and as a feedback mechanism to improve curricula, known as
assessment of learning; and to
• Create opportunities for students to engage with the content, with their context, with the lecturer
and with fellow students (Unisa Assessment Policy, 2011).
The Department of Geography is inviting suitable applicants for providing assessment services to be
appointed as independent contractors (External Moderators) on a yearly basis. The purpose of this
positions is to appoint competent and suitable candidates to moderate assessment tasks professionally
and ethically align to the Assessment Policy and Guidelines.
• At minimum an NQF level 9 (Master's Degree) in Accounting Sciences, Or Registered with a Professional Body in the Accounting Profession
• An NQF level 10 (PhD) in Accounting Sciences will be an Advantage
• Commerce and Industry experience is required
• Academic Experience will be an Advantage.
• Moderate assessment task professionally
• Comply and adhere to all Unisa tuition, assessment and examination and plagiarism policies
and guidelines
• Act in the ethical and professional manner dealing with all assessment tasks
• Execute duties as stipulated in contract and task agreement
• Moderating of assessment tasks fairly and consistently
• Meet deadlines of allocated assessment task
• Maintain confidentiality of all assessment tasks
Knowledge, skills, and abilities:
• Knowledge of the discipline applying for
• Knowledge of assessment and assessment practices
• Knowledge of marking and procedures
• Knowledge of constructive feedback on assessment tasks
• Knowledge of academic dishonesty and plagiarism
• Knowledge of teamwork/leadership skills
• Good interpersonal and communication skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)
• Must be honest / ethical and show empathy when required to mark assessment tasks
• Must have good problem-solving and decision-making skills
• Must be service orientated (Actively looking for ways to help and support lecturer or students)
• Must have good time management skills
• Ability to resolve conflict and maintain confidentiality of all assessment tasks
• Ability to work under pressure with adherence to deadlines
• Computer and Internet skills
• Have own desktop computer or laptop and internet connectivity (no computers or data bundles
will be provided)
• Advanced communication skills and proficiency in English
• Digital literacy skills – competent in ICT and online learning environments
• Experience in online marking tools or software or LMS (Moodle will be an advantage)
• Commitment to marking and meeting deadlines for all assessments
• Friendly, patient, and sensitive to a diversity of students
To apply please fill the application form by clicking this link
and submit the following documents via e-mail.
1) An application letter indicating willingness to mark assignments and/or exam scripts for any of
the modules listed below.
2) Comprehensive UPDATED and signed curriculum vitae (most recent)
3) Only a certified copy of the HIGHEST qualification as per requirement and a proof of
Membership with a Professional Body
Note: The required documents should be submitted as a single file (one PDF) to the email provided
Email all the supporting documents to and write the reference number as a
subject and specify which module code you are applying for in your email.
Assumption of duty: The candidates will have to undergo an interview (either face-to-face or
Microsoft Teams) and online Moodle training sessions. Completion of the prescribed training on
various aspects of Moderation on the Moodle platform is compulsory.
Closing date: 17 October 2023
UNISA reserves the right to authenticate all qualifications without any further consent from the
applicant. Late, incomplete and incorrect applications will not be considered.
Appointments will be made in accordance with Unisa’s Employment Equity Plan and other applicable
UNISA reserves the right not to make an appointment and correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 4 months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was not successful.
We welcome applications from persons with disabilities
Independent Contractor (MARKER) positions are available in the modules listed in the Department of Financial Accounting
Department - Vacancy -Closing date
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences E-Tutor 18 October 2023
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Face-to-Face Tutor 18 October 2023
College of Accounting Sciences E-Tutors 13 October 2023
College of Accounting Sciences Face-to-Face Tutors 13 October 2023
CLAW- Private Law Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CLAW- Mercantile Law Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CLAW-Public Constitutional and International Law Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CEDU-Educational Foundations Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CLAW- Criminology and Security Science Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CEDU- Early Childhood Education Independent Contractor (External Markers)17 October 2023
CLAW-Police Practice Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CLAW- Jurisprudence Independent Contractor (External Markers) 17 October 2023.
CHS-Sociology Independent Contractors (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CEDU- Educational Foundations Independent Contractors (External Markers) 17 October 2023.
College of Accounting Science Independent Contractors (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CLAW-Criminal and Procedural Law Independent Contractors (External Markers) 17 October 2023
CEMS-School of Public and Operations Management Independent Contractors (External Markers) 17 October 2023
College of Accounting Science Independent Contractors (Moderators) 17 October 2023
College of Economics and Management Sciences Regional Independent Contractors: Face to Face Tutor (Hybrid) 12 October 2023
African Languages Teaching Assistant 17 October 2023
College of Accounting Sciences Teaching Assistants 13 October 2023