Diploma Internship programme at Footgear for Marketing, Fashion, Supply Chain, HR, IT, Merchandise graduates
Upcoming Events
Don't miss out on upcoming youth events around you area.
Tutors/Student Assistants X 7 for Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry graduates at TUT
If you have Data and Time, then earn money on JumpTask and Honeygain doing Surveys, testing Apps and Games, watching YouTube Videos, etc.
Applications for Bursaries for 2024 at ASSMANG are now open
10x SAIAB Summer School trip for students in the Aquatic Biodiversity study field
Women are invited for the Worldwide Women In Innovation Incubation & Technology Summit @ Sandton
Tshedza pictures requests young & upcoming actors to reply to this Casting call for a new TV Show!
UJ invites their unemployed graduates and those doing their first last years for a Recruitment Fair!
Mass recruitment of Hospitality staff by Coastal Hotels and Resorts at Umhlanga
Town and Regional Planning Internship Programme at George Municipality